Sustainability report 2023
We want to be transparent about our sustainability efforts. We do this by publishing an annual sustainability report.

Since 2011, we have published an annual sustainability report with comprehensive information about our company and how we seek to reduce our negative social and environmental impact. 

2023 Highlights

In 2023, we fully integrated our sustainability targets into our corporate strategy. This will help to ensure that sustainability is at the very heart of our business and part of all aspects of the organisation. Other notable progress included: 

  • 16% reduction in scope 1&2 emissions compared with 2022 
  • 100% documented renewable electricity 
  • 3% point increase in women in senior management to 33% compared with 2022 
  • More than 8,000 professional partners visited Living Places Copenhagen, a low-carbon housing prototype concept developed by VELUX in partnership with EFFEKT architects and Artelia engineers.  
  • Launch of two additional forest projects in partnership with WWF, the next step to addressing our historical emissions 
Showcasing low-carbon buildings
The Living Places housing prototype in Copenhagen was opened as a partner project for the UNESCO World Capital of Architecture and the UIA World Congress of Architects. It attracted over 8,000 professional partners and global media attention as a showcase for low-carbon homes with optimal indoor climate using existing technologies, and at market price. The concept was developed by VELUX in partnership with EFFEKT architects and Artelia engineers.
Recycled materials for a lower carbon footprint
We launched the new Nature Collection range of roof window blinds. These are primarily made from recycled materials, which reduces their carbon footprint compared to our conventional blinds. This is the second project developed using the Lighthouse project process to create and test innovative concepts that promote decarbonisation, circularity and automation. 
The next step to address historical emissions
To achieve our target of reducing and removing 4.5 million tonnes of CO2, the equivalent of the VELUX Group’s historical carbon emissions from operations between 1941-2041, two additional forest projects were launched to deliver nature-based solutions for climate mitigation. Located in Viet Nam and Madagascar, the new projects are financed by the VELUX Group and developed and delivered by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
The foundation for an inclusive workplace
We rolled out the VELUX Group DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) policy, which provides a shared understanding of what DEI means while assigning clear responsibility for progress. In addition to becoming part of management training, DEI is now being integrated into all stages of the employee’s VELUX journey – from attracting new talent to recruitment, development, and offboarding.
50% reduction in scope 1&2 emissions
From 2022 to 2023, we achieved a 16% reduction in scope 1&2 emissions. We made progress on decarbonising our operations and implemented state-of-the-art energy-efficient solutions for key production processes at our major sites in Poland and Denmark. We also achieved 100% documented renewable electricity across the VELUX Group and fulfilled our commitment to the RE100 pledge.
Standards and policies
Our standards and policies are key to delivering on our sustainability promises. They guide our daily activities and ensure that we and our suppliers do business based on respect and integrity.